Driving Mirror (Mar – Apr 2021)
Chairman’s Chat – The 2021 season is underway, but the search is on again for an AutoSOLO venue.
Motorsport UK – Read the latest from our governing body.
Spring AutoSOLO Kemble – Our MX5s were out with some new stars shining. Andy Thompson shares all.
Club Journal Volume One – The Dunsterville family of Freikaiserwagen fame come to the fore once more.
Luke Trotman makes two lists – The first to get his new steer ready for the season ahead. The second much shorter.
NavScatter Teaser – Mark Griffiths sets us a combined OS Map and Google Street View challenge.
MX5’s rounds 2 & 3 Wiscombe – Mary B picks up the story, this year with a slight twist in the plot and a few surprises.
Oxford Bocardo AutoSOLO – Geoff Bromfield heads east roof down in his MX5 for a sunny day out.
Radical Season 2 – Greenslade and Clemow are out again and closer than Hamilton and Verstappen.
Off with his head – Phil Rumney shares the truth about a famous local event that took place in 1979.
Drive By – Chris goes all electric but finds the extension lead only just reaches.