
Driving Mirror (Mar – Apr 2021)

Chairman’s ChatThe 2021 season is underway, but the search is on again for an AutoSOLO venue.

Motorsport UKRead the latest from our governing body.

Spring AutoSOLO KembleOur MX5s were out with some new stars shining. Andy Thompson shares all.

Club Journal Volume One – The Dunsterville family of Freikaiserwagen fame come to the fore once more.

Luke Trotman makes two lists – The first to get his new steer ready for the season ahead. The second much shorter.

NavScatter Teaser – Mark Griffiths sets us a combined OS Map and Google Street View challenge.

MX5’s rounds 2 & 3 Wiscombe – Mary B picks up the story, this year with a slight twist in the plot and a few surprises.

Oxford Bocardo AutoSOLO – Geoff Bromfield heads east roof down in his MX5 for a sunny day out.

Radical Season 2Greenslade and Clemow are out again and closer than Hamilton and Verstappen.

Off with his head – Phil Rumney shares the truth about a famous local event that took place in 1979.

Drive By – Chris goes all electric but finds the extension lead only just reaches.